Thank you.
Thank you to each of the witnesses for being here.
As we heard testimony this afternoon it became evident very clearly that the roles and responsibilities of the two offices, the Commissioner of the Environment federally and the office of Mr. Miller, have quite different mandates. I'm going to focus on the federal aspect. And thank you, Mr. Miller, for the comments that you've made.
The Auditor General of Canada and the Commissioner of the Environment provide parliamentarians with objective, independent analysis and recommendations on the federal government's efforts to protect the environment and foster sustainable development.
Mr. Vaughan, you talked about the FSDS. That is a very important piece of legislation. Everything federally now is looked at through the lens of sustainable development, and there are three legs to that stool. There are economic impacts, social impacts, and environmental impacts, and there's that balance that government tries to reach. So it's through that lens. My questions are going to focus on a new lens, and that's the environmental bill of rights.
Now, do we use the lens of sustainable development or do we use the lens that you do your audits through, the environmental bill of rights? Which lens do we look through? Which is the dominant lens? Will all legislation now be looked at through the environmental bill of rights?
We've heard testimony for the last couple of weeks. In the first couple of meetings we heard primarily from NGOs, non-governmental organizations, and the term “stick” was used a number of times. They wanted a piece of legislation, like Bill C-469, that would be a stick that could aggressively encourage the government to move in a certain direction. The issue of litigation has come up time and time again. The question was asked whether there would likely be an increase in litigation. Mr. Miller touched on that. I'd like to read what one of those witnesses, Jamie Kneen, said: “The entire point is that the threat of litigation is a very strong motivator.”
I think most of us interpreted that to mean it may not necessarily increase the number of actions against the government, but it would be a very strong motivator to move in a certain direction.
So my question then was whether it's the threat of legislation that is the stick, to which he said, “I believe so.”
After the NGOs we heard from industry--the Chamber of Commerce, business--and we heard about the chill that Bill C-469 could provide, again, through this threat of litigation. We also received a letter from the Quebec Business Council on the Environment, and they shared some concerns that there's no circumscription on Bill C-469, no restrictions. It's unlimited. We had also heard through the previous testimony that there was an unlimited uncertainty, that there was no end to appeal, that appeal could go on and on, and that any resident could take an action. So I think that has been a concern around this table.
Are there any limits or is it unlimited? If it is unlimited, then it would provide unlimited uncertainty and loss of investment.
This is what the Quebec Business Council shared in their conclusion:
This bill calls into question the power of the federal government to give legal authorization for projects or actions likely to have environmental impacts and grants the courts very broad ordering powers. It includes many vague concepts, such as a right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment, which is not circumscribed, contrary to what is found in Quebec’s legislation, for example.
How much time do I have left, Mr. Chair?