Apart from that, I can see at least three possibilities here. There are probably more, but on a quick reading there are three possibilities with respect to this unfortunate section.
One is that maybe what we're trying to do in this clause is to say there will never be a statute of the Government of Canada that purports to deny standing. In other words, if we ever pass another environmental statute it has to not deny standing to people just because they lack a private or special legal interest. That's not what the clause says, but it's a possibility that's what it's getting at.
Second--and what I think it probably is getting at, but Ms. Duncan doesn't like--is that this clause wants to direct the Government of Canada to direct its agents, solicitors, and prosecutors not to oppose applications for standing. Ms. Duncan says she doesn't think that's the way it should go.
The third thing it could mean is that maybe this clause wants to tell the courts they shouldn't refuse standing solely because people lack a private or special legal interest, and to tie the hands of the courts.
In any event, I certainly think as it's presently worded it makes no sense. It could mean anything or nothing.