Yes, just that I agree completely with Mr. Miller. There's one thing that came through in the consultations. People would love to visit Sable Island, but they also said that they understand why they shouldn't, so they would like to have a virtual visit. We have received a number of proposals to do exactly that, to create opportunities for virtual visits. I know Parks Canada is working on that as well.
I should also note that the Ecology Action Centre and Zoe Lucas and a number of groups also want that human presence, and that will involve scientific research, monitoring, and atmospheric testing. Parks Canada and the two governments will also have to establish protocols around that.
The visitation, as I understand it, as I heard in the consultation, and as Parks Canada has heard, will be no different from the most rigorous national parks that we have, the northern parks, Torngat Mountains, Nahanni, and all those. There will be very strict limits on who can visit and what they can do under those conditions. We do want to make sure that we use this as a teaching and learning opportunity, as a base for future research. But Nova Scotians and Canadians really want to be connected. It's an iconic place that exists in the imagination and they shouldn't be separated from it.