Thank you for your generosity.
I want to get back to Will's point and I think we're also having a conversation among ourselves and bringing you in. My anger—I apologize for anger—but I've dealt with the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board extensively in my previous role at the Sierra Club of Canada, and working in the Maritimes to try to protect the Gulf of St. Lawrence. As recently as, I think it was 2010, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board permitted seismic testing in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the time the right whales were in transit. I mentioned this in my preamble to the minister, but I also know that the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, through both their enabling legislation and their own accords, which give rise to the legislation between the provinces and the feds, include a mandate to expand offshore oil and gas.
As a specific question related to those agencies, that's where I have not seen them having any expertise—to your point that they know about safety. I'll go back to Jeff or any member of the panel. We have expertise about the Fisheries Act and protecting fisheries that comes from DFO scientists, but no one is suggesting there must be someone from DFO on a panel, though obviously, you are going to consult them. We have expertise from Transport Canada. No one is saying you have to have a Coast Guard person on the panel.
Regulating energy regulators and inserting them into environmental assessment happened in C-38 in spring of 2012. The expert panel that prepared the report for this government said we don't need them there. We never had them before. We don't need them now. In light of that, if anyone on the panel wants to make a case that these specific energy regulators have a role on a panel that is somehow superior to that of all the other expertise that's held in all the other departments that you will be consulting, can you try to explain why they are treated differently, except that Stephen Harper is winning this round?