I'd be glad to tell you.
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which is an important declaration, is one that has provisions in it that provide for free, prior, and informed consent, FPIC, as it's commonly known. We have no analysis here at this table from our officials as to whether FPIC actually provides first nations with a full and absolute right of veto, or whether it's something slightly less than a veto, or whether it just buttresses the current duty to consult, which has been considered by courts across this country for decades, and we now have a pretty good idea of what that looks like.
To incorporate that declaration into this legislation would be a huge risk, and we would do so without knowing the legal import of that declaration as it relates to the Canadian constitution. That's why I am opposing this.
I believe Ms. Duncan knows where I stand on this. I don't think we should be taking steps that haven't been thoroughly thought out from a legal perspective, and unfortunately, we don't have those legal minds at the table right now.