This relates to specific submissions from Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations, and the Cold Lake First Nations. It would ensure that traditional knowledge is afforded the same weight by agency staff and decision-makers as western science. The expert panel called for the integration of traditional knowledge in all phases of impact assessment, and the first nations generally have been concerned that it would treated with an afterthought.
Given the changes that have been made throughout the bill, I am going to amend this new subsection, though, to say, “The report must also set out how indigenous knowledge of indigenous peoples”. That's the way we seem to be drafting the bill, which is a bit nonsensical but I am willing to change the word “traditional” to “indigenous” so that it's consistent throughout the bill. I'm also adding “Subject to section 119”. I'm doing that on the floor because that's a qualifier that Mr. Bossio adds in his amendment, so I'm quite willing to add his qualifier.
Amendment LIB-20 would put in the qualifier, “Subject to section 119”.