Thank you, Madam Chair.
First, committee members, when you're looking at this, the pertinent proposed sections are on page 38, line 9. We're looking at the considerations in a case for termination. So, setting yourself in the timeline here, the minister is deciding under proposed subsection 58(1) to terminate the assessment by a review panel at the suggestion of a number of environmental law witnesses before us.
I am adding a new proposed subsection 58(4), to be found on page 38. Again, the section starts at page 37 and goes over to page 38. What I'm doing here is suggesting that the minister may, at any time during an assessment, make an order to direct the review panel to suspend its assessment until assessments under proposed sections 92, 93, or 95 are concluded. Those sections are found at page 50 and relate specifically to regional assessment and strategic assessments.
So this is giving the minister flexibility when it becomes apparent that a regional assessment or strategic assessment is collecting information that's directly pertinent to a project review. The minister would have the discretion and ability to say, “Okay, that specific review over there of a project is so tied up in this larger strategic and regional review that I'm going to ask the panel to suspend until we get the review wrapped up on the strategic or regional assessments”. Otherwise, the minister can only end a review as opposed to suspend it.