I've been unable to deliver my other responsibilities in my portfolio because I am dedicated to trying to improve this bill.
A number of things that Mr. Fast said are a hundred per cent true. I've put the question to the minister many times. We've put the question to Minister Carr many times. We asked, “Will you be accepting amendments to this bill?”
In good faith, we worked diligently. The public worked diligently. First nations, Métis, and Inuit worked diligently. Industry worked diligently. Lawyers, law firms, and the law schools worked diligently. Yet every one of those amendments are being voted down, not even with consideration.
I find it absolutely astounding that this committee, which is essentially the environment and sustainable development committee.... We do not deal with the Navigation Protection Act. It was already reviewed by the transport committee. It would have made more sense for that part of this bill to go to that committee. They could have done an efficient review, having reviewed it already. We don't deal with the CER. That's the natural resources committee.
So here we are, and I think we went through fairly efficiently the review of the first part of the bill, which should have been our responsibility. We should be continuing this review. We should be giving due respect to all the people who participated, for two and a half years, when the government asked for input on reforming the NEB, reforming the Navigation Protection Act impact assessment. We are giving short shrift to the last two parts of this bill, and I find it absolutely outrageous.