This adds two new paragraphs, on page 78 after line 9.
Here we're dealing with the agency's duties. It would add in the duty to “track compliance with monitoring and reporting obligations with respect to the follow-up programs”—the Liberals like that term—“and report annually on the matter, including on aspects of follow-up programs that are under the control of other jurisdictions”.
Secondly, it would add:
ensure that lessons learned about the accuracy of the predictions made during past impact assessments are shared with the public and brought to the attention of those involved in relevant future impact assessments under this Act.
Clearly the agency should be responsible for tracking compliance. We've added this whole part about enforcement and compliance, so it seems logical that it would be the agency that would track and report on that.
There have been ongoing concerns by the public that when conditions are attached, there is no follow-up and no reporting on whether those are being delivered on. It would require reporting annually on what's happening with compliance with the conditions, and to report about resulting actions in terms of adaptive management of the approved project.
There you go.