The amendment would add the following to line 3 on page 58:
(b.1) prescribing the process for applications for costs and the awarding of costs for public participation in the participant funding program established under section 75, and the issuance of guidelines for funding following consultation with the public;
This requires the cabinet to make regulations for how the participant funding process will be conducted rather than leaving it on an ad hoc basis. It's necessary to provide direction and cost awards through regulations made under proposed section 109 rather than at the mere discretion of the agency. This is providing some level of certainty and clarity and fairness across the board for all reviews so that communities, indigenous people, and anyone coming forward will know what the rules are for costs.
This is normally what all assessment tribunals do. They make known what the rules are for applying for costs. There's usually a kind of chart that shows how much an engineering witness is paid, how much a lawyer is paid, and how much people will be paid to travel to the location, organize the community, or coordinate with other intervenors and so forth.
That's what this does. It provides that there will actually be clear regulations on how those costs are assessed.