Yes. It depended on which departments we looked at. I believe in 2017 we were looking at all the economic opportunity ones—Atlantic and Quebec—and that was probably not something they would even think of. Some of the earlier departments would have been some of the big departments.
When we looked at the past, we found that Parks Canada was the star. Every single thing they did went through an SEA. Even Environment Canada at the time—sorry—didn't follow the directive, so I'm really happy to hear they're doing a great job now.
However, definitely we were able to show—and I remember coming to committee and telling you,—that somebody can do this, because Parks Canada did it for every single proposal.
We're now finding in the proposals going to cabinet that the compliance with that cabinet directive has gone up. Around 30% to 40% of the proposals that went to cabinet a year ago had done a strategic environmental assessment. Now—bang—they're up at 90%.