That's wonderful. Thank you so much.
At EcoAdvisors, we look at the financial opportunities of sustainability and a zero-carbon future. That's the business of what we do. We're a consulting business. It's a great opportunity for us to speak here because we tend to focus our attention globally, so it's nice to be able to do more work and think about this issue domestically.
First of all, I'd like to say that we do commend the country on the pan-Canadian framework, but in order to take leadership on the international stage, we all know that frameworks are only a first step and the details of implementing a framework are where we really need to go. It's a particularly exciting time for climate change generally and for the financial opportunities in particular. In the last eight weeks, I've had the opportunity to attend several meetings and see several reports that have come out, on both the bad and the good.
I'll start with the bad side.
Last Monday, we saw the IPCC's special report, which had a couple of pretty astounding things in it. The first is that the problem is probably worse than we thought. The second is that it's probably going to happen sooner than we thought. The threshold needs to be lower than we thought or we're going to lose critical ecosystems, like coral reefs around the world. Also, a zero-carbon future isn't the only answer or the limit to the answer. We also have to have CDR, or carbon dioxide removal, solutions.
We also learned that coordination needs to be thorough and imminent across sectors, in order to induce the behaviour change for zero-carbon and net-positive-carbon futures.
I'll stop the negative there, but on the positive side, there are a couple of meetings that I want to highlight.
The first was in San Francisco, where Governor Brown held the Global Climate Action Summit. I've been to several of these global meetings before, where commitments are made, like the UNFCCC, where countries come together and the private sector, for example, the Clinton Global Initiative and others, make commitments. However, the GCAS this year was different to me, for a couple of reasons. A combination of sectors came together to make what seemed to be real commitments, with targets, timelines and funding allocated to them, like Governor Brown committing to zero-carbon electrification for California by 2045 and private sector companies coming to zero-carbon future commitments across entire operations, across transportation networks and across supply chains, in real terms by 2030. These aren't companies on the fringe, or sustainable companies or B corps. These are Fortune 100 companies that are leading the world, and these aren't decisions made purely from an environmental perspective. These are decisions made from an operational and financial perspective. I'll get into some examples of our work there in a minute.
The second meeting I'd like to highlight is Michael Bloomberg's One Planet Summit, which happened two weeks ago in New York. It was another collection of people who came together. To me, that meeting was more inspiring because of what they released just before it. Bloomberg was the chair of the task force on climate-related financial disclosures. It's a report that should be read here in Canada. Although, to me, the inspiration there is not necessarily the details of the report, but who was involved and the amount of capital that is interested in this issue of climate-related risk being real financial risk for the future of investment. The scale at which the investors involved are investing is over $100 trillion of assets under management. To me, this is the first time we've moved from a discussion on the policy fringes or the realms of the private sector, as individual operators working from tens of trillions to $100 trillion of assets under management, that is looking at climate as a key financial risk for investment decisions, which will drive behaviour change to a zero-net carbon future.
Of course, we also had the Nobel Prize and the recommendations that Paul Romer and William Nordhaus have made for years. Two key things come out of there for me. One is that mitigation is required, which is going to be cheaper to do today than it is going to be in the future, and that the most efficient pathway is through a carbon-pricing scheme. For me, it's not only the efficiency and expediency of that but the financial opportunity that we can dictate out of that.
We know there are lots of struggles, such as why this conversation is very difficult from a political perspective, from a theoretical perspective and from a timing perspective. It's very hard for societies to think in long-term time frames, so short-term decisions often override them. However, this shift of thinking about investor solutions in the long term and profitability and financial disclosure related to climate in particular, but sustainability more generally, is encouraging for me, to see the future of behaviour change happening.
As I said, we work to demonstrate the financial value of sustainability in a zero-emission future. At a project level, we've been working with clients on project-level decision-making and cost-benefit analysis of sustainable solutions versus non-sustainable—so for example, renewable energy versus non-renewable energy—at a CAPEX stage and an OPEX stage.
We started the company in 2012 when the economics were slightly different although almost cost-equivalent. With our first set of clients, for whom we introduced solar installation ideas for a large-scale solar development for energy needs, the cost comparison was pretty equivalent. What we're finding now is that the cost basis of installation, the CAPEX costs, are getting lower, and solar installations for large industrial applications are becoming more cost-competitive and out-competing traditional fossil fuel-based investment in energy.
We have a classic example of this using the analysis for the initial client we had in 2012. It was cost-neutral. Their board wasn't able to see the value of going solar. A year later, when they were into breaking ground, the price shifted and they came back to us and said they should have gone with the renewable decision because it was costing them 15% more than what it would have cost to go solar.
It's happening not just in projects we work with. We're seeing more and more, in the last several months, industrialists investing in this space as well. We see an industrialist billionaire investing in the largest solar installation in southern Australia to feed a steel mill. He's not doing it because he's interested in saving the world or the environment. He's interested in making economic gain, and it's a financial argument for him to be going in that direction.
We're also seeing more and more disclosures happening. I talked about TCFD and the investor group. That's a major set of global investors, but we're also seeing it on the microscale as well. We get clients who are investors asking us questions about what we should be concerned about with climate and sustainability in terms of financial risk as we look in our private equity portfolios or our venture capital portfolios.
We also get calls every day and every week, more and more, from companies that are coming to us and saying that they had an investors' meeting last week and they're getting questions about carbon disclosure. They don't know what it is. They don't know what to do. Is it going to be a problem in the future? And it is. Those questions are going to come more and more.
What can we do as a country and what can any country do as one country in the world? In terms of this question of leadership, I think there are a couple of things. I think that Canada is well positioned to build economies in different spaces. We as Canadians always talk about how we think we're a natural resources economy, and that's very true. What we're seeing more and more, though, is that you can be in natural resources, and the value of nature standing is starting to out-compete the value of nature being converted.
We're demonstrating that in public jurisdictions around the world—and also with private sector companies—you can invest in the value of standing forests for environmental benefit, which also have an economic benefit, versus the conversion factor into timber.
Another key thing we can learn from is to identify champions of cross-sectors. Rather than having the same people giving the same message and telling the same story, convene other actors in non-traditional sectors to tell the story for us. A good example of this is in Australia. The Carbon Markets Institute is a convening group to get private sector actors together to talk about the value of the price of carbon in Australia.
We often hear in Canada the story about the carbon tax in Australia failing, which is true; the carbon tax doesn't exist anymore. But we hardly hear the story about the ETS system in Australia generating over $2.5 billion in emission reduction strategies being championed and spearheaded by the private sector, and the private sector dominated by companies such as BHP, which is one of the largest mining companies in the world. So non-traditional actors are sending the message that carbon pricing is a solution and a financial opportunity.
I think we can also instigate and enhance the financial sector. Financial disclosure is a great thing on a voluntary basis from investors, but policy is a great way to position that as a mainstream activity. To me, the future of financial disclosure necessarily needs to incorporate sustainability and climate change, water stewardship and other elements in order for it to truly be accounting for the risks of the future, and the investor risks and the financial risks that we all face.
[Technical difficulty—Editor]