My name is Chris Turner. I'm an independent writer, journalist and communications consultant based in Calgary.
Thank you to the committee for this opportunity to address you, and for the opportunity to share a little bit of the knowledge that I've gathered over the last 15 years or so, where climate change solutions and the global energy transition have been my primary beat as a writer and journalist.
I wrote two bestselling books on that transition, on climate change solutions: The Geography of Hope in 2007 and The Leap in 2011. More recently, I wrote a book on the collusion between Alberta's oil sands and the climate change politics that's called The Patch. It is in stores now and it makes a lovely gift, I hear.
I've also given dozens of keynote and conference presentations and the like over the last few years to almost everyone under the political sun, so to speak. It's been everyone from environmental groups like Environmental Defence to organizations like the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, because the issue of climate change is so universal. There's a reason for just about everyone to hear where we're going on this.
I've also done work with a handful of NGOs, working primarily on energy more than the environmental climate side, with groups like Pembina Institute, Clean Energy Canada and the Smart Prosperity Institute. I was a writer on Natural Resources Canada's recent Generation Energy report. I got very close to the thinking of a very broad swath of business and public society here in Canada on the issue of outlining a vision for Canada's energy sector for the long term.
On the parts of the pan-Canadian framework that this committee, I understand, is working on, probably the one I'll be speaking to most directly will be positioning the country as a global leader on clean energy and innovation. That's really been a large focus of my work in the last few years. Hopefully, I can give you a little insight into that. I won't speak too long off the top. I'll allow you to feel free to ask me questions and I'll answer them if I can.
The first point that I'd like to make clear, which is hopefully a given now, is that there is a global energy transition under way. It is moving faster than ever. It is gaining more momentum than ever, as we move from fossil fuels as our primary energy sources to renewable fuels.
Mike Liebreich of the Bloomberg New Energy Finance group likes to say that the transition is now probably unstoppable. I would take the “probably” out of it. All I've seen over the last 15 years is a steady acceleration of the success of clean energy and technology, and the constant leaping over every single alleged limit or check on growth that was supposed to happen by now.
To use Bloomberg's numbers, it is believed a third of all the world's electricity will come from wind and solar by 2040, a third of all the vehicles on the road by 2040 will be electric, and most importantly, the best opportunities for economic growth between now and then will be in building out those sectors. The scale is already in the trillions of dollars and only getting bigger.
This transition represents both a major challenge to Canada's established resource sector, but also an extraordinary once-in-a-generation opportunity both for those traditional resource sectors to rethink some of the things they're doing, and obviously, for the economy as a whole to become a global player in this emerging market.
My colleagues at Smart Prosperity Institute like to quote Dominic Barton from McKinsey on this. He said:
Canada has an unparalleled mix of resources to deal with the implication of these global trends. We are a leader in natural resources and energy production. We have a skilled labour force.... We have a strong financial system that helped us survive the financial crisis remarkably well. Canada has never been in a better position to be a global leader.
How to take that lead should be a high priority as we discuss the implications of the pan-Canadian framework. In my opinion, it's an excellent platform to build on. It corrects the market failures that allowed the climate change problem to deepen as much as it has. I'm not an energy economist, but I know a few and they more or less universally agree that a price on carbon pollution is an absolutely essential piece of any serious long-term climate strategy. I agree with that assessment.
The second piece is the carrot, so to speak, along with the stick. That would create a robust clean-tech economy both here at home and with the ability to export solutions around the world. This is building cleaner and greener trade.
We need to find good policies at every level of government, not just the federal government, to encourage that growth. Everyone is sort of starting from scratch. This is all very new territory, although Canada is ahead of the curve in some important regards.
We begin from a very clean grid nationally, if we think about Canada as having a single electricity grid. More than three-quarters of it already comes from non-emitting sources. That's a massive asset. That would be the envy of most of the regimes working on this stuff around the world, to begin with the fact that you already have a very clean grid. Business opportunities are already opening up because of that, because companies around the world are looking to shrink their footprint. There is huge opportunity there.
We're already phasing out coal, which for most countries, is the lowest-hanging fruit in dealing with climate change, and we are already investing significantly in clean technology, including carbon capture and storage. All the serious modelling out to about 2050 sees a huge role for this and none of the technology is market-ready to date, so there is a pretty massive opportunity sitting there for the countries and companies that can figure out how to affordably and economically capture carbon and ideally turn it into something useful.
On this matter I would invite you to read the Smart Prosperity Institute's report “Accelerating Clean Innovation in Canada”. I contributed a little to this. It's one of the best, fast reads I know of on the subject of specifically what Canadian governments should be doing to create the kinds of policies that will encourage more growth. I'll give you the short version, which is that we are very good in Canada at early stage development of clean technology. We have very good research facilities, very good universities, smart people, strong institutions, all that stuff, but we are failing with troubling regularity to get these ideas from lab to marketplace. Our global share of the clean-tech market in recent years has declined, something in the order of 40% at last check, and in large part this is because the ideas are being turned into commercial properties outside of Canada.
What can government do? As I said, what it's begun to do with the pan-Canadian framework is an excellent start. It corrects market failures and has instruments in place to promote market growth here at home. The important thing to realize is that there are very serious structural barriers to entering the clean-tech marketplace that require government intervention on a number of levels.
Often what clean-tech solutions are correcting doesn't cost the polluting company anything, even with a carbon price in place, so they are undervalued in the marketplace. There are ways to correct for that. These new clean-tech innovations often face major risks and uncertainties. They are in new markets. They are blue sky technologies in some cases. We run into split incentives and insufficient infrastructure. Think of things like electric cars with nowhere to plug them in. Think of things like the fact that if you want to make a building more efficient, it's the building manager or owner who has to pay for that and its the tenants who have to pay the energy bills. You often have very different incentives when a clean-tech solution is being brought into place and there are things that governments can do to correct for those.
You can address these obviously with regulations, certain kinds of funding, some of which is beginning to emerge, but also through procurement by becoming an early adopter, an early customer for Canada's clean-tech solutions before they move out and ideally begin to become a part of a global solution to climate change. We're already seeing that kind of innovation in many sectors. Name one and there's often a Canadian company or two doing good work in it, from energy storage to carbon capture. Batteries for electric ferries is something that Canada's already doing well, cutting emissions in the production of concrete, on and on, but this stuff does need sustained focused support to get from where it is right now, often in the very early stage of development, to the marketplace.
One way to put it, there is a company I know fairly well called Carbon Engineering, based in B.C. now. Their research emerged out of the interest in Calgary and Harvard. A guy named David Keith was the primary guy working on it. This is technology to capture carbon dioxide directly out of the air, very revolutionary stuff. It could be a decade or more before there is anything like a marketplace for this, but as the guys working on it would tell you, when that marketplace emerges, it will be massive. One of the founders told my colleagues at Smart Prosperity, “Make no mistake, this is a race. The expertise around this topic is going to coalesce somewhere. We want it to be in Canada.”
That is what we hear from clean-tech innovators as a rallying cry: “We know we can get there but we know we need support to do so.” That is the place of government, to step in when they can.
The core lesson I learned working for the last six months on the Generation Energy Council at NRCan was that the difficult thing with climate change solutions is that they take a very long time to come into effect, the rewards are far down the road, certainly past the next election cycle, and it's very easy to get into terrain that makes everyone in the room uncomfortable.
That discomfort is part of the nature of the change and the shift that we need to be driving, so I would invite you to get comfortable with that discomfort and understand that these solutions are absolutely the most important thing that Canada can be working on right now. Our children and their children will thank us if we get this right and will hold us to task for it if we get it wrong.
There is nothing more important than developing these solutions. There is no higher priority than solving this problem. It's existential and it will last well past my lifetime, so I urge you to continue to drive Canada forward as a leader in this regard.