Thank you very much
Thank you for the opportunity to express the views of the Dow Chemical Company as the committee considers its study on clean growth and climate change in Canada: forestry, agriculture and waste.
Dow is a global company headquartered in Midland, Michigan. Dow has been present in Canada for over 80 years, and our founder Herbert Henry Dow was born here. ln Canada, with our corporate headquarters in Calgary, Dow has facilities in Fort Saskatchewan, in Westhill, Scarborough, and in Varennes. We jointly operate facilities in Prentiss and Fort Saskatchewan, and with the growth of economic opportunities in eastern Canada, we have recently opened a sales office in Toronto. We have just over 1,000 employees in Canada, and over 100,000 employees worldwide.
While I am here today on behalf of Dow Canada, I'm going to talk to you about a company-wide initiative that helps collect, sort and reduce the amount of hard-to-recycle plastics going into landfills and getting into the natural environment: the Hefty EnergyBag program.
Dow is one of the top two polyethylene producers globally. We take our responsibility as a leading plastics producer very seriously. This is why we are actively leading and engaged in several plastics sustainability initiatives around the world.
To be clear, Dow believes that plastics are a valuable resource that needs to be conserved and managed. We believe there are environmental and economic benefits to extending the life cycle of plastics. Data shows that plastic packaging is a smart and sustainable material that provides many environmental advantages during the use phase of its life cycle.
Studies show that moving away from plastics to alternative materials increases energy consumption two times, increases GHG emissions as much as three times, and increases overall environmental costs as much as four times. The real challenge with plastics is that they are not being sufficiently mechanically recycled at their end of life, with approximately 72% of all plastics ending up in landfills for various technical, infrastructure, consumer behaviour, and end-market reasons.
To be clear, the Hefty EnergyBag program is not the silver bullet that will solve all of the plastics end-of-life challenges. However, it is a proven program that will help address many of these challenges and should be used as a model in Canada. lt helps move the plastics industry towards chemical recycling—the concept of making new plastics from old plastics—through the use of conversion technologies. lt should definitely be part of the waste management solution in Canada.
We see the disposal of hard-to-recycle plastics, such as candy wrappers, chip bags, flexible food packages, straws, stir sticks, and foam food containers, as a waste of valuable resources. To discard something whose value can be recovered and used again is an affront to Dow's 2025 sustainability goals. These goals continue to drive our innovation, and it is with that in mind that I want to tell you about the Hefty EnergyBag program.
The EnergyBag program is a permanent waste management system currently in 13 communities in the United States, including Omaha, Nebraska; Boise, Idaho; and Cobb County, Georgia, to name a few. Some of these projects have been recognized by Keep America Beautiful program funding, and Dow is a key partner of this not-for-profit organization.
Through November 2018, the program has collected over 376,000 orange energy bags, which are exactly what they sound like—giant garbage bags that are bright orange—and it has diverted approximately 252 tonnes of hard-to-recycle plastics from landfills. This is equivalent to over 200 million chip bags or 1,199 barrels of diesel fuel, if it were all converted to diesel via an energy recovery conversion technology like a pyrolysis system.
We are exploring opportunities to bring this program to Canada in 2019. The purpose of the program is to collect, at the residential curbside, the hard-to-recycle plastics at a quality suitable for an acceptable local end market.
Mechanically recycled end markets are being explored, but the current end market is conversion technologies such as pyrolysis, which typically turns these into low-sulphur diesels, oils and waxes. The goal of the program is to divert hard-to-recycle plastics from landfills and extend their life cycle, as well as advance the acceptance and use of these diversion technologies towards chemical recovery, and ultimately a circular economy.
How does the program work? Communities provide consumers with a roll of the EnergyBag orange bags, which includes instructions of the program about what goes in the bags. Consumer education is key. These are the people who are putting the products in the bags, and it won't work without them.
Once the bag is full, the residents put it in the recycling cart and take it to the curb to be picked up by their regular recycling hauler. This way we use the existing recycling infrastructure. The bags are sent to the local materials recovery facility, or MRF, where they are pulled off at the front end. The orange bags are never opened and never go through the MRF, thereby helping to increase the quality of both their inbound and outbound materials, improving their financial position and the overall efficiency of MRF operations. It's that simple.
Our message for the residents is simple too: If you are able to recycle a plastic—typically, number 1 and number 2 plastics are commonly mechanically recycled—you should continue to do so. If it's a plastic that is not or cannot be mechanically recycled and it ends up going to the landfill, then it should be put in a Hefty EnergyBag orange bag. Some exceptions will apply, depending on the end market being used, but the program tag line is “If you don't bin it, bag it.”
Composition audits of what is being collected by the energy bag program show that the program works, with an average of 88% being acceptable flexible and rigid plastic packaging, and the remaining 12% being other materials, about 6% paper.
Like any complex challenge, collaboration across the value chain is key to the success of the energy bag program. Key collaborators include Reynolds, which makes the bags and owns the trademark Hefty; the community; the local hauler; the MRF; the end markets and the consumers themselves. If additional funding is needed to launch a program, we will also work with corporate partners, brand owners and sponsors.
What do we need in order to support reaching the CCME goals released last week? We have six recommendations.
One, all levels of government need to support programs like EnergyBag to be local models for waste diversion. Supporting them will lead industry to chemical recycling and the circular economy.
Two, we need to recognize energy recovery technologies, particularly conversion technologies of gasification and pyrolysis, as acceptable diversion options, not as disposal. These technologies, although just extending the life of the plastics an extra phase currently, are stepping stones to getting to chemical recycling and ultimately full circularity.
Three, we need to develop sound waste management policies that look holistically at the use of materials. These must be based on sustainable materials management approaches and sound life-cycle thinking. SMM considers all impacts of the packaging across the life cycle, not just its ability to be recycled.
Four, we need to do a better job of getting a harmonized approach and increased communication with residents across the country on how to deal with waste, as my friend just said. Right now, the different work of different cities frustrates innovations and economies of scale. Right now it's hard to process these plastics because consumers don't know which ones go into which bin, and it adds to mechanical sorting costs.
Five, we need to consider a more complete cost curve when it comes to dealing with waste. Investments that divert waste from landfills contribute to reducing the actual costs of tipping fees but they also reduce the long-term environmental costs associated with disposal, which don't necessarily have a dollar figure associated with them.
Six, we need to take a broader view of the life-cycle approach. The federal clean fuel standard aims to approve the efficiency of the fuel that is being used in Canada, but it could be doing so much more to reduce energy use and assist with other environmental issues. Specifically, recognizing energy recovery applications as achieving a carbon reduction can solve other environmental problems at the same time. By way of example only, the federal renewable fuels regulations recognize municipal solid waste as a feedstock to produce ethanol. That principle should be extended to other feedstock sources.
Thank you again for the opportunity to share Dow Chemical's comments on helping reduce the amount of plastic that enters our waste stream. I know the committee will be looking at this again in the winter, and hopefully I will be able to provide you with some additional information then.
With your help and with that of the provinces, municipalities and corporate partners, we can start to realize the CCME's recently pledged goal of seeing zero plastic waste go to landfill. The Hefty EnergyBag is a method to help move toward that goal.
Thank you very much.