That's why it's a safety issue, so they're being cautious. They have to be educated. We're going through that process. They're perfectly safe in Europe. There have been no issues, but we have to convince the regulators here, the engineers and everybody. They have to understand it and accept it. That's the process that we're going through right now.
As for the second question, I'm not sure what that was. I think I mentioned Ontario Power Generation, so that was the first company. Ontario was actually the first province to phase out coal, and then Ontario Power Generation converted two power stations up in the Thunder Bay area. One of them had to shut down lately because it had a very severe boiler problem that couldn't be resolved. The one at Atikokan runs as a peaking plant in an area that mostly has hydroelectricity, so it only runs about 20% of the time, but it runs very successfully.
I think your third question was about subsidies. Wood pellets are more expensive than coal. Every country that has used them has put policy in place to try to incent them. There are either mandates.... In South Korea, there's a mandate that you must produce a certain amount of renewable electricity. In the U.K., they have contracts for difference, so there are long-term agreements between the government and the power companies that essentially they'll cap up the difference in the cost. There's enough confidence from the power industry, which has invested billions of dollars in converting all of these units, so obviously the investment community is convinced enough to make the investment. These subsidies run until 2027. We're anticipating by that point that everything will be depreciated and that we'll be able to run subsidy-free after that point.
I should point out that there is no Canadian subsidy on wood pellets.