You're not.
Okay, I am. I have lived the B.C. carbon tax and, as you know, the tax was promised to be revenue neutral and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I want to read something that is less than a year old. It's from the Sierra Club:
“B.C.’s latest emissions data mark years of failure to reduce emissions by more than a token amount”...“Ten years after the previous government legislated the target to reduce emissions by 33 per cent...we are essentially in the same place we started.”
British Columbia’s emissions are now 10 per cent higher than 1990 levels, in contrast to the European Union, which has reduced its emissions by 23 per cent over the same period.
It goes on to talk about the fact that the carbon tax has not achieved what it was intended to achieve. I'm sure the Sierra Club would like to have had an even higher carbon tax but, as you know, the promise from the Gordon Campbell government was that the tax was going to be revenue neutral—swear to God, it was going to be revenue neutral. A new government came in and effectively did what the taxpayers, or the voters of Washington state were afraid of, and they changed the tax. It was no longer revenue neutral, because the NDP removed the revenue neutrality of it. And the emissions continue to go up.
You suggest that the fact that emissions continue to go up is because of economic activity. That may be, but would you agree with me that the emissions targets in the Paris Agreement, which Canada signed on to, are absolute targets that are not subject to adjustment for economic activity?