In that case, I will present two motions right now.
The first concerns a decarbonization plan:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development undertake a study and make recommendations on the development of a decarbonization plan with a view to ensuring the energy transition toward implementing renewable energies; that, to do so, the Committee invite key stakeholders from various innovative renewable energy sectors, such as solar energy, geothermal energy, and wind energy; that a report be presented to the House of Commons; and that six (6) meetings be allocated for this study.
I know that Mr. Roger already has the motion and can give it to you.
My second motion is the following:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development undertake a study in connection with the desire, expressed in the Speech from the Throne, to put in place a plan that will make it possible to surpass Canada's climate objectives and that to do so, the Committee examine the feasibility of zero-emission federal legislation, that a report be presented to the House of Commons and that four meetings be devoted to it.