Our angle of attack is a little different from what the other participants are describing or what I'm reading.
Our organization is an applied research centre. We work together with companies on the end of life of materials. However, we don't work directly with consumers; we take no position on how things work in society at large. We look at the materials that come to us or don't come to us. We ask ourselves what we could do to consistently extend their life cycle. I just wanted to start with that clarification.
We receive materials from factories. We receive some from sorting centres. These are household items that have gone through a sorting centre. Of course, we're also asked to join circular economy movements and implement industrial synergies to try to collect as many materials as possible in a given area. It's always about extending life cycles.
There was a meeting again last week. It's becoming clear that everyone wants to do the right thing. We fully agree that a ban is necessary, but it is not enough. Other factors are important to us, especially those related to single-use items. Just plain common sense drives us to try to create something coherent when the materials come to us.
In the short text I submitted, we talk about our vision, which we present in three points. The first point is about not designing single-use plastic items that do not match our recovery and recycling efforts. Only items that can be reused contribute to a sustainable development approach.
The second point says that, if we absolutely must use single-use items in certain situations, then we must choose materials that have a low carbon footprint, but more importantly, that are easy to recover and recycle. Here, I can see that our position goes against that of other participants. According to them, recovery and recycling are smoke and mirrors and they will never matter; what we need to do is ban, ban, ban.
And yet, we have real needs in our society. That's why we developed our third and final point, which we feel is important with respect to single use. The third point states that, if a single-use item absolutely must be made of plastic, buying and distributing it must be conditional on an orderly recovery and recycling plan.
We can establish accreditation bodies that will have organizational and financial responsibility for establishing forms of recovery and reclamation. We know of accreditation bodies that have been set up. Quebec already has five of them up and running and others are in development.
It's truly groundbreaking to claim that we want to address the issue of single-use items. Now, because I can't set aside part of my role as a university professor, I have to tell you, committee members, even if you already know, that we have a special situation. We have an elephant in the room right now, an elephant you refuse to talk about. It's these disposable masks.
Is that not the perfect example of a single-use item for which absolutely nothing has been planned, in terms of recovery and reclamation? They are everywhere now and they're spreading. Let me tell you, I'm under a lot of pressure from students in the academic community right now. They're asking why no mass recovery is being done.
People tell us that they were involved in massive movements before the pandemic to let governments know that they wanted to change how we relate to the environment. Is the best example we can set right now for all those students the shameless waste of tens of billions of disposable masks?