Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I would remind people who follow our proceedings that the purpose of our discussion isn't to determine whether a carbon tax is good or bad but rather to access all available information on measures for evaluating such a tax. There are people on this side of the House whose views on the carbon tax are completely different, but who nevertheless want to gather the most neutral and objective information possible.
I have a great deal of esteem for my Bloc Québécois colleague, even though, generally, we really don't share the same ideas. It's called democracy, and let's be happy we live in a country where democracy is celebrated every day, as it is in the House. That means we have to get to the bottom of things, and my NDP colleague feels the same way. I'm going to yield the floor to my colleagues from English Canada, where, with all due respect to my colleague from Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, we know the NDP is slightly better represented.
The reason for this discussion is that we want to know if the government has produced the relevant documents that were called for, as the committee requested. The least we can say is that the committee's motion was clear: We wanted to get information directly from the department concerned, Environment and Climate Change Canada.
However, what do we see in the document that was submitted to us? Allow me to cite it in English:
“Please note that this is a draft in progress.”
So this is a document that's in the process of being written; it's a draft. That's already somewhat disturbing, but the following sentence is even more so:
“Any comments will be appreciated.” Oh yes, for sure.
As my colleague Mr. Mazier so clearly said, we will definitely have something to say about that, and before all Canadians have had a chance to express their views on the suitability of the carbon tax. The next federal election will definitely turn on that issue, and Canadians will have a chance to decide.
Now listen to what's written in the document that the government has submitted and presents as a reply to all our questions:
“Views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect those of Environment and Climate Change Canada or the Government of Canada.”
That's the problem. It's quite simple, as my ever-polite colleague from Repentigny said. It wasn't personal when we doubted you and challenged your judgment, Mr. Chair. What we had requested, with the support of the other opposition parties, was very clear: We wanted accurate, objective, quantified and calibrated information on which we politicians could rely to do our work, since I'm not someone who's inclined to disparage the opposing position. That's what's involved in a public debate, and it goes to the very core of democracy.
We are members of Parliament. We represent our people, and we are important because here around this table there are four different parties. Hey, this is what democracy's all about. Yes, we will fight about our ideas, we will fight for or against, but we'll address them, and we will challenge the opposition on our point of view. Well, this is what democracy, the House of Commons and this committee are all about. We all recognize that climate change is real and that we have to address it. There are good ways to address it and there are bad ways to address it, and this is what people will decide in the next election, which way they want to address it.
This is why, Mr. Chair, to have a clear debate, to have an honest debate and to know exactly where we want to go, we need to have all the data. Who can provide this data? There are plenty of people who can do it. This is why, Mr. Chair, our motion is addressed directly to the government.
By the way, we're not the government. This is not a Conservative government; this is the Government of Canada. Technically speaking, there is no party in this government, there is no colour of this government.
This is the government of this country, of all the people. This is why we are asking them to give us the data.
Give us all the information we need to conduct an informed debate on the situation.
I have considerable respect and esteem for my colleague the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, who is the member for Laurier—Ste-Marie. That's a place that Ms. Pauzé knows well, but I admit I'm a bit confused. I know that all the colours of the political spectrum are here: We have the Bloc Québécois, the Liberal Party and the NDP; everyone's here. Perhaps the Conservative Party will also be here one day, we hope, but the people will decide.
So I was saying that I have considerable respect and esteem for my colleague. I've known him for years, having been a journalist in another life. I always appreciated his candour and his arguments when I interviewed him. Even when I didn't always agree with him, he was there.
How many times has he said in the House, here in this committee and everywhere in interviews in his public political life that the carbon tax was actually effective and that he had all the data he needed to prove that it would help us reduce greenhouse gases? I don't share that view, but our motion gave him a chance to explain and prove it based on government documents that would prove to us, beyond a reasonable doubt and backed by numbers, that we can solve this problem.
Unfortunately, that's not what happened. This is why we're utterly disappointed to see that the truth is unable to come out.
We need to have the truth, and the only group that can do that is—and I say this very politely—the Government of Canada. It is the Environment and Climate Change Canada department that can provide it.
What we're unfortunately seeing right now is that a very clear and specific request was made: We needed that information. In the document that was produced, however, the department clearly and pointedly acknowledged, in black and white, that it's ultimately a draft that will be altered as it moves forward and that any possible comments are welcome—which is good—but that the views expressed in the document are those of its authors and do not reflect those of the Department of Environment and Climate Change Canada or the Government of Canada.
So that's exactly the opposite of what we had requested. If you take a good look at the document, you'll definitely see, on page 3, quite an impressive mathematical formula, which I won't read. I'm approaching 60 years of age and I haven't done any chemistry or physics in a long time, but there are all kinds of interesting formulas in this document. That's good, all right, but is that really the government's position? We asked that Canada make its position known, but did we ask how it did that and what the actual impact was? The answer is no because, as it clearly states, this document doesn't represent the views of the Government of Canada.
Consequently, as a parliamentarian, I'm surprised to see that some colleagues are okay with that, despite this obvious fact. I don't think this is okay. In its proposal, the NDP goes a little further, clarifies more and says it wants more numbers, dates and timelines. I understand that my Bloc Québécois colleague shares that position, and we're open to that, of course. Our motion will ensure that the truth prevails. Our motion will ensure that the facts are known. It will ensure that we get to the bottom of things. Then everyone can express his or her point of view relying on arguments based on science and neutral, objective facts to which everyone will have access.
In debates, we often see people who say they agree on a particular point, citing this or that person or study. That's fine. Other people adopt a contrary opinion based on a particular study or analysis. That's fine too. The two positions balance each other out and each is basically sound. However, to conduct an objective discussion, there has to be a common ground, a single, specific information base that's equal for everyone.
In our review, the best way to do that is for the Canadian government to provide that information. We requested it, we demanded it, but we haven't received it. What's worse, the document provided to us clearly states that it's incomplete and doesn't speak for the Canadian government. Our request as parliamentarians was for access to documents, and our motion was supported by the majority of committee members. However, since we haven't been granted access to those documents, we feel this is a clear violation of our privileges.