Thank you.
First of all, I'll say a word about the taxonomy, which I think was very well explained by Barbara Zvan. Whether a taxonomy is introduced or not, all investors will define what sustainable commitments and sustainable finance are.
As I mentioned, Canada has a better energy portfolio than most countries in the world. By saying how we align our investments to enable our industries to meet the target and by introducing disclosure to allow businesses to say so—we are not asking them to do anything, we are simply stating what they are doing to be in a winning position. We're already going to be better than the others, thanks to our energy portfolio. Not to do so would be to forgo market access.
The ISSB, the International Sustainability Standards Board, has set sustainability standards for the private sector, and they are championed by central banks. North Korea and Russia are not participating. Along with the other participating countries, we will have to think about our economy in terms of the 1.5°C target, or we're going to face systemic risk to financial markets. The number of climate incidents, the number of fires and the number of viruses will bring down the insurance system. When you no longer have insurance, you can no longer get a loan. We are seeing it in Florida, where the insurance on a condo that cost $6,000 four years ago cost $12,000 three years ago, and then $25,000, last year, to $60,000 today. You can't get insurance anymore, so you can't get a loan. We're starting to see that here as well.
Disclosure is essential to allow us to integrate climate as a factor in all financial decisions. The ISSB is acting for the private sector. Investors want that, but they also want to make sure that climate plans don't cause damage to nature, to humans or to the communities that will be affected, because that also has harmful effects on the financial system. We are asking for disclosure, but let's first make sure that we have, as a first standard, disclosure on the other important things for which we can demonstrate the correlation of a measure and the long-term performance for the private sector.
In the case of the public sector, another standard-setting organization is the IPSASB, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board. That organization created the Sustainability Reference Group, whose members indicated that they would adopt the same standards as the private sector all over the world and that they would add requirements for the public sector. Whether we want those standards or not, they are there. The investors behind the International Sustainability Standards Board have $55 trillion in managed assets. When they decide they want something or ask for something, whether or not we pass regulations is of little importance to our businesses. What's important is to join forces to help our businesses make plans aligned with a Canadian taxonomy and to help harmonize our economy for 2050, in addition to supporting workers and businesses in the meantime.
There was a question earlier about proven technologies. The United States has aligned all of its tax credits with technologies that work and are cost-effective. They gave tax credits to accelerate the use of these technologies. Texas is one of the most advanced states on the planet. The U.S. is outpacing Europe.
To understand what is required, there needs to be science-based collaboration, finance at the service of alignment to—