Thank you for the question. It's an important one, and it's one we're seeing as a real challenge to governance for large financial institutions in Canada, which are trying to make difficult decisions internally about how to change the way they're operating in light of addressing the climate crisis.
It's a particular blind spot when you have somebody who's appointed as a director for a fossil fuel producer. They have a legal responsibility to the shareholders of that company to maximize profit for that company. If they're sitting simultaneously on the board of, say, a public sector pension fund, which we see in a number of cases right now, the expectation is that in discussions about whether or not the fund is going to adopt net-zero plans, or if they're discussing investment screens, phase-out strategies or any of the subtle details around administering a climate plan, they're likely in a conflict of interest situation and should be recusing themselves.
We don't know if they are stepping out, because board minutes are—