I don't have an easy answer to that question, but you are quite right that I do have mixed views on the proposed legislation.
There are many good things in it. For example, the definitions are better than they were before. It covers more people. It provides for more public information. There is an expansion of the public registry. There are many things like that that I think are really steps forward in terms of the regime.
You are right that it was said by Mr. Wilson. I did not say that it weakened the regime. I did say that adopting it into legislation, on the one hand, has the value of announcing how important this is. It gives it a kind of status it might not otherwise have, but the reverse of that is that should you ever want to change the code, it's a much, much more complex procedure, for obvious reasons. And one could argue that one balances the other, without trying to say anything more specific than that.
My main concern with the legislation is not the various details that people have been focusing on, but on the question of its lack in the preamble--or wherever it's seen to be appropriate--of a set of principles that would be clear as to what the ethical standards are that are expected of public office holders. That, I think, is a flaw in the legislation. I don't mean it's a legal flaw or anything like that, but I think when you think about ethics more generally speaking, no set of rules will cover the ground. It isn't possible. So it's useful to have a set of principles, however minimal, and they certainly wouldn't have to be the ones that are currently in the code. That's a matter people need to consider.
It does give you a chance to interpret the legislation--and there's going to be a lot of interpretation that will be required as we go along--in the light of something that would make sense to the people subject to the legislation. I don't want to say it's a fatal flaw, but what you see in the legislation is a movement from what is called a principles-based regime to a rules-based regime. I think there are good arguments for both of those and I don't want to say it has to be one or the other.