All right. Well, I think there's a consensus. I think we're moving in the right direction, but we need to spend a little bit more time on this.
Ms. Stoddart, we had initially booked you for April 29, and then we said that we'd free up that date and that you could come and spend two hours with us today. I think we need to see you again. I think Mr. Tilson has a good suggestion, that you should have an opportunity to maybe make a brief, appropriate assessment on each of these items or recommendations. We need to know what is the strength or basis of, and what is your backup for, these recommendations. Where are these coming from? Are these recommendations just from your own little huddle or are they based on good practices in other jurisdictions? There are some raisons d'être for these, and I think we need to have your input on them to guide the committee.
We have not booked anybody for April 29. I know this is short notice, but if you have an hour for us, again from 3:30 to 5:30, or probably even two hours, if they are available, we'll take them.
The members are going to spend a little bit of time reflecting, because we've moved fairly quickly away from our original thinking because of the input we've had from you and others, but I think there are still some other areas the members may want to explore or to put into the bin for consideration.
You may also be able to suggest to us—minimally, at least—the people you would recommend as witnesses, whom we could call for corroboration or support of some of these recommendations. We'll probably look for witnesses on the other side of the case as well, but I think it's important that we get some third-party input.
Now, I've made a serious mistake here: I did not include Mr. Nadeau on the list, for some odd reason. But his name is there, and we still have five minutes left.
Mr. Nadeau, why don't you just start, sir.