Thank you. On the question of expanded powers,
previously the act talked about the fact that I could look into doing investigations under the code of conduct. It wasn't clear under the act that I actually had the ability to look into infractions of the act.
You may recall that, as I mentioned in one of my previous appearances, there was a court case that actually questioned the previous registrar's ability to look into infractions of the act. It forced us to hold off from seeing some of the files until we actually won that particular argument. It's now explicit in the act that I have the ability to look into both the act and the code of conduct. That's something that I think is good.
In terms of the penalties and so on, previously if there had been a penalty on a summary conviction, it was $25,000 and a six-month jail term. It's now $50,000. The jail term stays the same. In terms of a summary conviction, the act talks about....
It's now doubled, I think. It's $200,000--right?--and two years....