I think the most serious technical issue is the one I just mentioned, that there is just no threshold for when somebody can put a complaint in. They can just put it in with no evidence at all. Then the commissioner involved there has to decide whether to launch an investigation. As I was saying, it's pretty hard for them not to launch it once the thing is raised, even though there is a “may” there, because the only way they can get a public airing of the thing is to put something out.
Now, as was just mentioned, I know the way the general rules work regarding whether you can be involved in political activities changes with the level you are at, so to apply them to some officer in your office who couldn't have had any effect on anything seems to be an unnecessary invasion of privacy.
There are concerns generally about people's privacy being invaded, but people's privacy is often invaded for a good reason, for example, in the case of MPs who are being investigated. There's always a balance and you have to have a good reason to infringe on privacy.
In all these cases, there may not be a strong enough reason, in my view, but it depends.