In our opinion, yes, it would help reduce the burden.
Having folks file requests by subject matter would stop what we commonly refer to in the ATIP community as “fishing expeditions”, whereby folks will ask for anything and everything without a subject, and sometimes without limits around that request.
If you complement a duty to assist with the efforts of government for open government initiatives, and then you include section 6 as it is currently proposed, I see it working quite well. If more information is public, folks will know what type of information to request, and the requests will be specific. There will be perimeters around what they can request and how much of it they can request, which would stop, as I mentioned, those types of requests that simply say, “Give me anything and everything you have about between two individuals for the last six months.” There's not even a subject. It could include the most common type, which is email accounts. Someone would ask for your entire Outlook email account because they don't know what you are working on. Instead of asking for a subject, they are going to say, “Just give me the whole box.”