The system works this way. When I want to access government services, I have to go to the state portal, which is basically the Internet site where all government services are listed and presented. When I log in to the state portal, I will see first all the information that the government has about me: my name, whether or not I have a driver's licence or medical insurance, and whether or not I own real estate or vehicles. I can see all the information that the government has about me.
Second, I also can see if there are some cases where government has used my data. For example, when I drive on the streets with my car and the policeman checks my licence plate number, the police patrol car doesn't stop me. They just type in my licence plate number to get all sorts of information about me, my vehicle, and other aspects. When the police patrol does that, it is immediately recorded. I will see later in the state portal that this policeman accessed my data because he did this patrol and I will see when exactly he did it. I get an overview of that.
In the same way, if I go to the doctor and the doctor sees my medical information, there will be a record of that. I will see it later, as an overview.
This way, the government provides the transparency. They show what data they have about me and how they have used it.