We purposely block all of those from our searches. We have a running list of banned words that we use, which basically stops those terms from being searched. Even if the term is not part of our banned list—and I know this was an object of one of Nicholas Kristof's articles, the “14yo” and “14 yo”—we had actually blocked “14yo” from actually returning any results.
In one instance when it was “14 yo”—I can't remember which one it was—it did return results, but just because you're asking for the content, it doesn't actually mean that the content is there. It's a textual-based search system, so it will see the word “14” and it will see the word “yo” and it might return something based on 14, like “Dave's favourite videos, volume 14,” and the “29 yo” because it's textual based.
The system is not designed to detect intent, but as soon as we do see these variations, what we do is add them to the database so they can't be searched for. On top of that—