My colleague just asked you about a Globe and Mail article where formatters raised an issue of egregious abuse and were told to park it—that they weren't going anywhere. You don't remember the article. You didn't know what it was about. You said it was journalists making things up. And then I think your colleague asked our committee to maybe give you some more information. The issue we're talking about here is criminal behaviour, the Criminal Code. Your obligation is to protect people and there's your complete disregard for an accusation raised in one of Canada's most respected newspapers. You didn't even bother to read it.
When you come in here and tell us how much you care about the victims, it strikes me, Mr. Antoon, that you show a staggering level of recklessness that's just been made apparent here. We've asked you about Ms. Fleites. She blew your business model apart. You've had three months to investigate this and you showed up at our committee and said, sorry, we haven't found anything. You made her give you her pictures over to you. You made her give her ID. You dragged this child out and destroyed her life. And then you showed up at our committee, after you had to flush 80% of your content down the toilet because it was either nonconsensual or possibly criminal behaviour, and you shrugged. And you're asked about your own staff, whose job it is to protect people, and you didn't bother to know what the allegations were. I think, sir, you are extremely negligent and we're talking about possible criminal acts here.