You've thrown out some numbers. You said that 14 million Canadians will visit the site today, and you have every single one of those IP addresses. You know that every platform, whichever one you want to name out there, knows its users better than we know ourselves. You have all that information out there. It's your duty and your responsibility as citizens, as business folks and as individuals who have a moral compass—because we all have a moral compass—to ensure your business practices do the right thing. That's where I'm coming in.
I understand your business. We get it. We get what's out there on the Internet in this digital world. We're here digitally. We get that, but you guys have failed, in my view, in terms of your filters and your ability to respond to concerns that have been put to you by minors, because in no way should that content be on the Internet. We don't want it on the Internet, and it shouldn't be on your site. You have 1,800 employees who work for you—1,000 in Montreal and 800 in Europe. In no way should that content get onto your site.
In terms of your structure, why is your headquarters in Luxembourg?