Mr. Chair, thank you for that break, because it helped me get my emotions back under control. The many accounts, values and words put forward in the past 33 hours and a few minutes lead me to believe that we have reached the end of the line.
I will explain why I am telling you that. I will take less than five minutes, as I usually do, but what I have to say is important. As I was saying earlier, we have gone over what happened several times and tried to change what we have right now.
I see that Mr. Samson is here. For those who were not here, it's important that you know we had a request to revoke an erroneous vote. A few minutes later, in front of the national media, they explained why. All the details are there to justify it. We will not come back to it. I will not take 30 minutes to tell you about it.
We voted on the motion to revoke. Had it passed, the vote would have been changed and we would not be here right now. How can I agree to try to draw things out as much as possible when we should be dealing with what has just been voted on? You have just shown us.
With all due respect, colleagues—I hear the word “respect”, I hear that it's important, that we need to show that we are accountable, that we take our responsibilities seriously. With all due respect, my government colleagues, show us some, because, in broad daylight, you are clearly doing the opposite.
It's 1:30 p.m. on Friday the thirteenth. After 33 hours during which you have had time to say everything you wanted to say—not to mention everything you keep repeating—I believe we will even be able to finish before 5:30 p.m.
I'm going to refer back to those words, because I always come back to our fundamental objective, which is to represent all the people of Quebec and Canada. I know that the list of speakers has many names on it. So, please, it's not that hard to say: “let's go for it, we're ready”.
I salute your work, Mr. Chair, because I am full of compassion. I have seen a lot in my life, but this situation is clearly out of the ordinary. I will say it again: I'm ashamed of us.
I hope the message gets through. Over and above our game—because we have to recognize that a game is being played here and I am quite capable of seeing that—I hope that, together, we can manage to get it over with, to do what needs to be done and to fulfill our responsibilities.
I will put my name on the list again, I will say it again and again, until I'm blue in the face. I think you have just demonstrated that we have talked this through.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.