You’re asking me a broad question on a complex subject.
In general, it is very important for the governance of this country, meaning the federal government’s model and that of the provinces, to ensure the confidentiality of discussions, of conversations, in the cabinet meeting room, whether they occur in person or in hybrid format. Several decisions by the Supreme Court of Canada recognize this basic principle.
The role of the Clerk of the Privy Council is long-standing. It has existed for 800 years. The exact role is to be the guardian of discussions, documents and processes of the Council of Ministers. He or she is the Secretary to the Cabinet and the Clerk of the Privy Council. One of the Clerk’s responsibilities, among several, is to keep documents in-house and protect the confidentiality of Cabinet conversations and, correspondingly, the Privy Council’s confidence. The Clerk is the guardian of the Cabinet’s documents. I exercised some discretion in granting access to documents or discussions to the courts and the Commissioner, among others.