Thank you, Mr. Green.
On that point, I would leave to your discretion and that of other committee members how you want to handle this. The motion passed by the committee was to deal with this in the manner in which we are. Specific requests for witnesses were placed before us, and we're doing everything we can through the clerk to make sure we have those witnesses in front of us. I'll leave to your discretion which way you want to go with this.
We're still trying to get a hold of Mr. Vigneault, the former director of CSIS. Also, as I mentioned, I did invite TikTok. They weren't part of the motion, but I thought they were germane to the study. They respectfully declined given, I assume, the circumstances they're now facing with the civil case.
I'm reminded that there's the minister as well, who has indicated to us that he will be available at the end of January. I think that will be an interesting meeting. We'll see what we can do to get everyone here.
I don't have any other business, so Mrs. Shanahan, go ahead.