Thank you very much for your comments. It's the first time I've seen and heard from you in person.
I can sense the frustration and exasperation you feel as you're reporting. There seems to be a trend I'm hearing and have heard on this side. I think of the Parliamentary Budget Officer. It just feels like they're being starved for funds and are not able to do their job and are not able to investigate. It feels like they're being stymied and blocked in every respect.
Again, we heard from the Ethics Commissioner, who has now resigned just basically, it seems like, out of frustration. He said that the Liberal government just does not seem to be taking ethics seriously, and it's like, what's the use? I'm getting that sense also from your comments. He said that public shaming is the foundation of a system as far as ethics, and that's not working when you have constant breaches by the Prime Minister and others. It's just ongoing and ongoing.
I'm just wondering. The Ethics Commissioner talked about public shaming. What hammer, if you want to call it a hammer...? What do you have to do to help enforce your policies as far as the freedom of information? Do you have any tools, or is it just basically bringing it up and complaining, and it's like you're being ignored?