First of all, IMET spends $40 million a year on securities crime policing, and according to the feedback we've had from the Toronto Police Services fraud squad and other fraud squads of Canada, as of 2003, the RCMP has taken effective exclusive jurisdiction. The RCMP, in the white-collar securities crime area, notwithstanding having spent in excess of $30 million per year since 2003, has been successful in only two prosecutions, and individuals were found to have been guilty of securities fraud and were placed in Canadian prison. This is an abysmal performance relative to the amount of money that has been spent and relative to the number of prosecutions that have been taking place in the United States.
We are not of the view that there is no securities fraud in Canada; we are of the view that the RCMP has not competently produced its investigations and prosecutions. Recently we have determined that one of the reasons why this is the case is that they seek to have their investigations approved by the investment industry.