That's very helpful. Thank you very much.
Heritage Canada, I was interested in your presentation and admired the beautiful booklet you circulated. I was taken by your comment that the greenest building is one that's already built. I think that's a fantastic approach to things, and energy retrofitting, etc., should be encouraged.
What I was going to ask you is this. The City of Toronto tried something called a revolving fund at a period of time, where you could do an energy retrofit without any upfront cost to yourself. The fund would pay for the retrofit and then you would pay it back out of the energy savings until such time as it was paid off and then the energy savings were yours to keep. The result was that they had targeted x number of buildings but ended up doing double that, and the payback was 100% less one or two per cent—like 98% of the money recouped from the revolving fund.
Is that something Heritage Canada has contemplated on a national level at all?