Is it a risk of lost profits, or of lost losses? This is plainly something important. In fact, announcing that the exclusive privilege will be taken away is one way of saying that competition is going to intensify.
The Canada Post Corporation, and I think it says this somewhere in its charter or its report, has to operate in a financially independent manner. The Canada Post Corporation therefore has to finance its activities responsibly. If its profits go down, it will obviously have to find some elsewhere.
In addition, you told us that all the jobs were protected. That concerns me a little—I am thinking of my colleague Mr. Généreux, who is a businessman. When a company's business is cut back, it's too bad, but generally, there are people who lose their jobs. We are told that the Canada Post Corporation will now have to keep them all, when competition will be growing in one of the markets where it operates, although no one knows whether it is a market from which it makes profits.
I'm also wondering about something else. Since the Canada Post Corporation's head of finance has to find money elsewhere, is he going to increase postage rates in Canada, that I have to pay, for example, if I want to send a letter to my good friend Mr. Wallace, because they will lose the transfers, or the international mailing? There are a lot of questions.