This morning the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, gave a speech in Germany in advance of the G-20 finance ministers meeting in Moscow.
She said, and I'll quote:
It's not right that giant global companies have huge sales here [in Germany], in all of Europe, in the United States and elsewhere and then only pay taxes somewhere in a tiny tax haven.
That's why we're going to fight to finally put an end to tax havens at the G8 meeting this year in Great Britain. The whole world will have to fight for it, otherwise we won't accomplish that.
We also know that the OECD, just earlier this week, gave an urgent call for overhauling corporate tax rules.
First, Mr. Cockfield, what would you say is driving this determination?
Second, although you only have a minute or two to talk about this, if the G-20 finance ministers came to you and said, “Design a regime that would accomplish this for us”, what would that regime look like?