Thank you, Mr. Chair.
In the last year, CBC has opened a new radio outlet in Kamloops. So certainly as they continue to receive close to $1 billion a year, we see the service being expanded and focused.
Mr. Charette and Mr. Georgetti, I want to provide you with two examples. Last week in the supplementary estimates (A), we saw VIA Rail request an additional $99 million from the federal government to address the solvency of pension plans. Certainly that was coming to the Canadian taxpayers to deal with a solvency of pension plan issue.
I look at the recent report by the Conference Board of Canada that is looking at $1 billion a year deficit with Canada Post by 2020. Mostly we recognize the way Canadians do business is changing so it's having a significant impact on the business model. I also look at the current agreement with Canada Post. As I understand, even if they're making adjustments in efficiencies, they do not have any ability to lay off.... Most companies have the ability to adjust the workforce. It's very difficult, but they do have that ability. Canada Post doesn't.
I contrast that with when you're back home and perhaps you visit the small businesses in your riding that pay their 11% tax and work very hard. Yes, absolutely, you need to value the public service and the work they do, but again, I visit these small businesses that are putting in considerable time, energy, and effort, and do not have the benefit of the pension plan.
To my mind, the government is saying we have to look at the taxpayers' ability to pay as a very important feature of this budget. I'll start with Mr. Georgetti and then ask Mr. Charette, if you could keep it brief so there's an opportunity to....