With respect to the first measure, the strategic operating review, I guess in the context of pre-budget consultations and as advice in your pre-budget report, to get full disclosure would be very important. It's important for us, because as we project forward and we look at the amount of spending in the medium term and we look at these growth rates, it's very low. It's almost unprecedented to have sustained five-year projections of total program spending under 3% and direct program spending under 2% over a sustained period of time. We're going to be building in more additional restraint under that kind of context.
The more details we can see around it, the more we know what will be the impact in terms of fiscal risk and what will be the service level risk.
In terms of 2010 budgetary measures, we still don't know how departments are managing, particularly that third year. So we're getting information almost on an ex post basis.
In terms of the crime adjustment numbers--even the numbers the government has put ou--my office cannot go to a budget, either in Budget 2010 or 2011, and see basically what has been the adjustment in Minister Flaherty's fiscal framework for the additional expenditures for the tough-on-crime agenda, so to speak.