I actually took the list that I created in my written brief...half of that comes from the budget 2014 document itself, proudly displaying many of those programs. The rest of it just comes from programs that I'm familiar with.
Each year I teach a tax policy class to my third-year undergraduate students. My first task with them is just getting them to tell me what they know about how heavily they are subsidized through our tax and transfer system. Most of my students have never done their own taxes. They certainly have no idea what is coming back to them from the tax system.
That just points to problem number one. They don't have the information. Either they don't seek it or they just don't know how to glean it from their tax files. It is a problem. It's difficult to find the information until you're already into the system. Even then, once you're there, we're not always fully aware of what we're getting.