My name is Michael Robinson. I'm just an old lawyer, but I did have a letter to the editor printed that said I was a former board member of Transparency International Canada, an organization you may have heard of and know about. It's an anti-corruption organization. I suspect that I was therefore invited to speak on the inclusion in Bill C-63 of measures to allow Canada to become a member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. There are implications for corruption prevention that would arise in that context. I think that's why I'm here.
First, one should understand the great power and influence of the world's major international development banks, or IDBs. This sixth one, as of 2015, is this new one, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which commenced business in 2016.
Infrastructure projects in the developing and lesser-developed world are and will continue to be created significantly through public-private partnerships, or P3s, involving the private sector bidding for the financing of these projects to these banks. The banks are absolutely critical to anybody getting a contract for a piece of infrastructure, because they are the touchstone of respectability and financial credibility for the project when there's a private sector involved. The original five international development banks have the skills and finances to advise upon and become significant financiers, and even equity investors, as many of them are, in these projects in those countries.
Next, one should be aware that the construction industry, which performs these projects, is one of the most corrupt industry groups in the world. I don't think there's anything to debate about that. We've all seen what happened in the province of Quebec when the construction industry was investigated.
The World Bank is clearly the leader in the development of corruption controls and sanctions on the corrupt when so found by the bank, respecting infrastructure and other projects which it finances or in which it invests. The World Bank embarked on its corruption prevention and sanctions regime development in the early 1990s, under the direction of then president Wolfensohn. They've done a terrific job.
In April 2010, the other four established international development banks entered into an agreement for a mutual enforcement of debarment decisions with the World Bank group. The leader of the anti-corruption motion, which really was only effective from the 1990s forward, encouraged the other four banks to join. They are the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Inter-American Development Bank group. This is a very potent agreement in controlling international corruption, because all five banks mutually debar the corrupt participant from participating in any other projects in which any of the banks are a financier.
On March 7 of this year, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank issued a statement in which it recited its progress in creating comprehensive corruption controls and sanctions. It noted that it had, quote, “voluntarily and unilaterally” adopted the list of sanctioned entities and individuals under the aforementioned agreement made by the Big Five, the one that I mentioned, the so-called AMEDD—there are too many acronyms here, I'm afraid—and this was a welcome development.
Now I will skip forward in my notes to leave more time for questions.
Based on the fact that the World Bank's regime represents the gold standard for corruption controls and sanctions, and the fact that it has a wealth of experience in developing that regime, I recommend that Canada condition its membership in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on the AIIB's going the next step and becoming a member of this corruption and debarment recognition agreement, the AMEDD.
It's encouraging to notice that the AIIB stated in its March 7, 2017 public statement that it is actively engaging with these banks in an effort to join them as a signatory to the AMEDD. Once they have become a full signatory, they would be a full formal participant in the efforts of what would then be the big six international development banks to fight together the scourge of corruption.
That's my recommendation. I'm not criticizing the new bank at all. I think we must be aware that it is dominated, in terms of its share ownership and location, and the power to elect its board of directors, by China. China is not exactly at the top of the list that Transparency International maintains for lack of corruption. However, they are progressing, as they stated in March of this year, and that's why I'm making the recommendation I am.
As an addendum, for any of the committee members who might be concerned about risks that Canada is taking on by investing significant sums in the shares of AIIB, as well as creating its own infrastructure bank, it's worth noting that the AIIB stated that it had received in July of this year the highest rating from the Standard and Poor's global rating agency, namely AAA/A-1+, with an outlook of “stable”. Also, the world banking regulator in Basel has given a zero risk to the securities of the AIIB for purposes of investment in securities by regulated financial institutions like banks.
Those are my comments, Mr. Chair.