Okay. That's very good to know.
The Minister of Finance has recently started discussing the concept of open banking. Open banking can be a variety of different things. For example, in the United States there's a service called mint.com, which allows people at no charge to be able to directly link up to their financial data through their financial institution and be able to draw everything from low-cost loans that are available based on their credit score or based on their income, as well as suggestions on potential vehicles for them to save for retirement as well as to save or to manage their expenses. That's all done free.
Obviously, that technology exists. It's being used in the U.K. as well as the European Union. We haven't seen that level of offering here, although I've met with Intuit, and they said that while they have some similarities, they are operating off a very old technology.
The question would be first of all privacy. Obviously, banks and financial institutions owe their clients privacy and protection. On the flip side, do you think therefore Canadians who would utilize such services, because it is their information, would then own that information and use it for their own purposes? Do you think there are any questions for your office in the question of open banking and ongoing retaining of that information by financial institutions, or that someone should be able to say they own that information, and it shouldn't be shared without their permission?