The compensation package that you talk about under CETA—I forget now how many millions or what it was. The idea behind the compensation—or you would think, anyway—would be to compensate all producers across the country. However, it was diversified into the technology of improving the industry. Basically, they gave money to help produce more milk and to get paid whatever for it.
In the end, not all farmers across Canada got that. There would be a very small percentage of Canadian farmers who would have gotten any compensation under the CETA. It was unfortunate that our officials saw fit to take the compensation because that put a price on supply management, from here on out. We gave away 3.5% of our market to allow 17,000 tonnes of cheese or whatnot to come into the country. By approving the compensation, it put a price tag on the supply management, showing that it was up for sale.
Every time that there is a new trade agreement with supply management, the problem is that supply management gets used as a bargaining chip when it comes to something else. I think part of our problem is that our politicians or our bureaucrats who are doing these trade agreements look at our dairy system as an industry, rather than as a benefit to rural Canada. They think that taking 3% out of an industry is not going to affect anybody, when it affects everybody, in fact. It affects all farmers in rural Canada because, if we have less of our own domestic market to supply our milk, that means it gets pushed into another class, which means a reduction in the blend price to us as dairy farmers.
What we're saying is that the dairy industry has gone as far as it can go with being hit. Our cost of production—our formula, which is one of the parts of supply management—is to a point where it is basically break-even or less. A while back, figures were given to me that 50% of the milk being produced in Canada is only being produced at the cost of production, or a little better, by 38% of the farmers. When you take this round of negotiations and take away another 3% or 3.5% of our market, where is that going to put us as dairy producers?
The processing industry might be okay, but as individual farmers who are trying to meet our cost of production, as more of our domestic milk gets put into different classes of milk, it's going to reduce our blend price. That reduces the price to us, which takes it to a point....
You're asking the question about what has changed with the industry. As farmers, the only way that we're going to survive in the industry is if there' can't call it compensation because under supply management, you're not supposed to be able to do that. But without some kind of a subsidy to farmers, there is going to be no dairy industry. In the end, it's the consumer who's going to feel the effect of that because, if you look at the States, the consumer pays twice for the product. They pay once in taxes, when it comes to government funding, and then again, when they buy the product.