Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The proposed legislation contained in part 4, division 4, of Bill C-15 amends certain provisions of the Bank Act relating to federal credit unions. The government is acting to address the unique transitional risks credit unions entering the federal framework may face due to the differences between federal and provincial regimes. The federal credit union framework within the Bank Act was put in place to offer the sector an option to grow regionally or nationally if they so choose. The framework is neutral and does not incent federal entry.
There are three main amendments. The first amendment provides the Minister of Finance authority to exempt an applicant from a federal technical procedural entry requirement so long as the applicant substantively meets the intent of the requirement. In short, in certain circumstances there are federal requirements and provincial requirements and to avoid a problem at the end of an application period there is, with a compelling reason, flexibility there to follow a provincial rule.
The second amendment provides the Minister of Finance authority to exempt federal credit unions from certain technical procedural requirements relating to voting up to three years after they have entered so long as they have substantially met the intent of the requirement. This gives some flexibility to electronic voting, in particular where there are some differences between various provinces and federal. Again, this flexibility exists providing they substantially meet the federal requirement.
The third amendment provides the Minister of Finance authority to offer a transitional loan guarantee to a federal credit union for the purpose of supporting it through its first three years. Credit unions could face uncertainty during transition. The loan guarantee would be a safety net providing insurance value. It would also potentially provide a stable source of funding if funding challenges exist and credit unions need it.
The measures are in addition to transitional support that already exists in the federal credit union framework and provide targeted protection against transitional risk. The measures continue to refine the federal credit union framework in response to demands from the credit union sector. There was also a small technical housekeeping amendment on French concordance that has no policy effect.
Thank you.