That's a challenge, but I will try my best.
On the long-term transformational, I'm not talking about our entities looking to the public purse to pay for the $350 billion over 20 years. We've been achieving that roughly the last number of years, $15 billion a year. What we're talking about is when you go to the regulator, let's say in Ontario, and you look at doing a pilot project, or green technologies, or wiring remote communities, they will say no, because their remit is to keep prices down. Yet those are very aspirational goals that are found in the federal government's agenda and increasingly in the provincial governments'.
For us, we'd like to form a partnership, with the federal and provincial governments, to address those very sizable gaps, and find a way to finance those long-term transformational infrastructure projects. We believe there's also a second phase to this infrastructure coming to a theatre near us, which really is parallelled with nation building.
Secondly, when it comes to nuclear energy, I believe in nuclear energy. You mentioned that in Ontario it's more than 60%; an impeccable safety record. We know that the challenge for the nuclear energy community is that sometimes the public opinion is very skittish, and nothing moves quicker than scared public opinion. When we had the earthquake in Japan, we saw that Germany, the leading locomotive in the European Union, shifted away from nuclear completely and went to coal. We have to find a way to build that confidence with Canadians, based on the record and not on the perception of fear. It's not easy.
Do we have the skills? I think a challenge in our industry, like many industries, is that in the next few years we will be seeing a high number of skilled workers in our sector retiring. We have to find a way to replace those individuals. We should replace them with made-at-home labour, and if need be, ask new Canadians to join us in the building. I think we will and do currently have the labour; I'm worried projecting 15, 20, or 25 years.
In the electricity sector, we measure change in decades. We have to embrace that future by doing some work today. That's one concern I have. Are we moving quickly enough to be where we need to be in 20 or 25 years?