Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a pleasure to be here.
As you know, our president and CEO, Evan Siddall was scheduled to meet with the committee today. Unfortunately, Mr. Siddall cannot be here, but he asked that I deliver these remarks on his behalf.
We welcome this opportunity to contribute to the committee's study of issues surrounding the residential real estate market and home ownership.
As Canada's authority on housing, CMHC continuously monitors housing markets and undertakes research and analysis to support informed policy and decision making. This is key to fulfilling our legislative mandate to facilitate access to housing and contribute to the stability of Canada's financial system.
A robust statistical modelling exercise undertaken last year by our housing market analysis team confirms that the most important factors accounting for house price increases over the long term are economic in nature: rising disposable incomes, increased inflows of people, and lower mortgage rates.
Three additional factors are contributing to the shorter term price dynamics that are currently being felt in certain urban centres, notably Toronto and Vancouver. These include financial acceleration effects from both domestic and foreign investments and the implications of rising income and wealth inequalities. In regard to the latter, people with higher incomes can get larger mortgages and buy bigger, more luxurious homes. Coincident with increased income inequality in Toronto and Vancouver, price increases in these cities in recent years have been led by more expensive single detached homes.
Perhaps an even larger factor impacting house prices in some markets is the weak and lagging supply response. Geographic constraints in Toronto and Vancouver, as well as municipal land use regulation fees and extended approval processes, are limiting new construction and pushing home prices higher. It is clear that more supply would moderate price increases and alleviate the challenge this represents to home ownership.
At 69%, Canada's home ownership rate is among the highest in the world, and that includes countries such as the U.S., the U.K., France, Australia, and many other OECD countries. Although more work needs to be done, research from other countries supports the premise that home ownership is associated with positive social and economic outcomes, such as improved education results, greater community engagement, and wealth accumulation. I should caution, however, that much of the research predates the last financial crisis.
There is growing concern that escalating prices are putting home ownership out of reach for many Canadians, including young, middle-income families. This has potential implications, not only for these families, but also for the wider economy. For example, high housing costs may provide an economic incentive for workers to resist moving from less productive economies to more productive ones. This is a very human reaction that results in a significant net loss to the country as a whole.
CMHC has a mandate to facilitate access to housing, including by supporting the efficient functioning of the housing finance market to enable home ownership, but also to contribute to the stability of the financial system. In pursuing these objectives, we must be careful not to facilitate Canadians' buying homes they may not be able to afford.
Household debt is at a record level in Canada at 165% of disposable income, and residential mortgages account for about 72% of consumer debt. Our colleagues at the Bank of Canada continue to flag this as a top vulnerability to financial stability in Canada.
Concerns have been voiced about the ability of first-time homebuyers to buy homes. Support should not be unlimited, however. Ample support exists for first-time homebuyers, including the federal government's homebuyers' plan, federally guaranteed mortgage insurance itself, and various provincial measures. Too much encouragement to buy a home exposes vulnerable people to excessive financial risk, and pushes prices higher where supply inelasticity exists, making sellers better off, but not buyers, and jeopardizes our economic prospects. The last thing we want is for somebody to lose their home.
CMHC's most recent housing market assessment report, released just days ago, confirms that there is good reason for concern about housing market conditions. It indicates strong evidence of problematic housing market conditions in Canada as a whole. This was first noted in our fall 2016 housing market assessment. Since then, conditions have worsened in Victoria, although evidence shows problematic conditions have eased in Calgary.
We have, therefore, supported the Minister of Finance's efforts to rein in excessive housing market activities in our role as the government's policy adviser on housing.
Last fall, the Government of Canada tightened the eligibility rules for insured mortgages to reinforce the Canadian housing finance system and to help protect the long-term financial security of borrowers and all Canadians.
These changes addressed rather a chorus of commentary, from the IMF and OECD among others, that the federal government carried too much exposure in housing markets.
Notably, a “stress test” has been introduced for all insured mortgages. The Bank of Canada posted rate, which is typically higher than contract rates, must now be used to underwrite all guaranteed mortgages. This buffer will help offset the highly stimulative effect of low interest rates.
Secondly, while lenders are free to offer more flexible terms for uninsured mortgages, government-backed mortgage insurance will no longer be available for any mortgages on properties valued above $1 million or with amortizations beyond 25 years.
We expect these macroprudential policy changes will moderate demand for housing, which will have the effect of limiting price increases, making houses more affordable, and support sustainable economic growth.
We have observed modest reductions in activity, but it is too early to say whether the changes are in fact achieving these objectives. The spring season, which is typically very busy for housing markets, will help confirm any long-term trends.
Finance Minister Morneau has also initiated a public consultation on lender risk sharing for government-backed insured mortgages, which wraps up at the end of February. We look forward to exploring this idea, which we believe would result in a more resilient housing system by more fully involving lender in risk management and adjudication.
Currently, regulated lenders do not have to hold capital for risks associated with guaranteed mortgages. We are concerned about the misalignment of interests that could result, even to the extent of moral hazard in such cases.
Lender risk sharing aims to rebalance risk in the housing finance system by requiring lenders to bear a modest portion of loan losses on any insured mortgage that defaults. This will ensure that the incentives of all parties to an insured mortgage loan are aligned toward managing housing risks and further strengthening Canada's housing market and financial systems.
At CMHC, we estimate that a modest level of lender risk sharing could increase the typical five-year fixed rate mortgage by 10 to 40 basis points, depending on the default risk of a particular mortgage.
As a crown corporation with a mandate to contribute to Canada's financial stability, CMHC must be a leader in housing risk management. We have significantly strengthened our risk management policies and practices recently, and we will continue to do so.
In the interest of accountability, we have been deliberately more transparent and open in our reporting, analyses, and public presence. We are therefore grateful for the opportunity to be here and to support your work.
Thank you.