When staff start here, and oftentimes before they start in these roles, as was certainly the case in my situation and I know in others', we sit down with either the Ethics Commissioner, as was the case for me in 2015, or with one of the officers in the Ethics Commissioner's office to go through what all of the different considerations are in starting these positions.
There are a number of other documents. We have a head of HR. They make sure that a number of other documents are reviewed by staff when they're starting so that they're onboarded appropriately. We encourage all staff, all the time, to take all ethical matters extremely seriously. We are in privileged seats serving Canadians here, not only now but at any time. These are incredibly.... We're all very privileged and honoured to be in the roles we're in, serving Canadians, so we take that very seriously.
We encourage everyone, when they have a question, to check, to ask, to go to the Ethics Commissioner, to talk to one of the senior staff about it. We can help them if we know any history on it, but ultimately, it's always that we try to go to the Ethics Commissioner when we can to get clarification, or to go to the Privy Council Office.
Most importantly, it is ensuring that everyone is onboarded properly and that we follow all of the different interpretations and advice that comes from the Ethics Commissioner's office. When we're not sure, we check.