Over the years, there has been a major evolution in taxation and in other aspects. Twenty years ago, who would have thought that we would be wearing masks today? The same has happened in the taxation system. Tax laws have evolved; they are constantly changing. The case law has also evolved. Moreover, tax rates have gone down. These factors have contributed greatly to a change of behaviour and culture, and even to the recognition of what is called fiscal morality.
Twenty years ago, fiscal morality did not exist. Legislation was applied as it was written. Because of the events that I have just explained, fiscal morality has taken hold. This is not only the case in Canada; it is happening in all industrialized countries.
The work done by the OECD has greatly contributed to this evolution. I can think, for example, about a report entitled “Harmful tax competition: an emerging global issue” that was published in the major industrialized countries, and about the measures that have been put in place. Organizations are now required to declare their profits by country, so that the countries with advantageous tax rates can be identified. Organizations of a certain size are required to make that declaration.
I don't know whether that answers your question, but it does explain the evolution, in my opinion.