I'm sorry, but I was told that you couldn't hear me. So I will continue.
Thank you for the invitation.
I am retired from KPMG. I was an associate in the Montreal office for 25 years, from 1987 to 2014. I was never in charge of the tax department or any other department at KPMG, either locally, provincially or nationally. I was a client service associate, not a manager.
In summary, I advised clients on Canadian and international tax matters. I was involved in developing and implementing foreign transactions, such as financial structures, like the so‑called double dipping, the repatriation of foreign profits, and foreign currency management.
I have also acted as an advisor in several mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring for both public and private companies.
In the course of my career, I have had numerous discussions with tax authorities to obtain advance rulings or during tax audits. The discussions sometimes concerned foreign operations. My role was to meet the needs of clients by applying tax laws with the highest standards of integrity, compliance and professionalism.
Like most professionals in Quebec, as a CPA, I am bound by professional secrecy regarding our clients and former clients. I will do my best to answer your questions in light of this confidentiality requirement.
However, I can confirm beyond any doubt that I was never involved, as an associate or otherwise in what has been called the Cinar affair. The first time I heard about this case was in the media. Unfortunately, fraud appears to have been involved. As a Canadian taxpayer and a tax professional, I strongly encourage this committee to shed light on the matter.
Today, I am an occasional consultant for KPMG and sit on a few boards of directors.
KPMG is a firm that, in my experience, always acts with integrity and in the best interests of Canadians.
I would like to clarify a few points in that sense.
With respect to the Isle of Man's foreign company structure—the so‑called OCS—I was not involved in its development. I became aware of the structure in the early 2000s, as did several other tax associates in the firm. I reviewed the analysis prepared by the firm's senior tax experts, as well as the two independent legal opinions. At the time, I felt that the structure was valid from a tax and legal perspective, as long as clients followed the advice provided. I personally participated in creating two of those structures. In one case, a third party company was responsible for implementing the structure, so my role was limited.
I also want to make it clear that I was not involved, as an associate or otherwise, in the shell companies named after swords or in Parrhesia. I understand that this may be of interest to you, because those companies were registered in the Isle of Man, but neither of them were associated with the two cases I worked on.
I would not be able to give you any information on that. [Technical difficulty] Ms. Iacovelli, who answered your questions on this subject when she appeared before the committee.
I will do my best to contribute to the discussion today.